Keeping Children Safe

Safeguarding statement 

As a caring organisation with direct responsibility for children, our first concern must be the welfare of every child in our care.  There may be occasions when we have to consult with other agencies even before we contact parents, particularly in relation to child protection concerns.  Should this be necessary, then we will ensure that we speak to parents about any concerns that we have raised at an appropriate time.  The procedures we follow form part of our statutory duty and have been issued by the Greenwich Safeguarding Children Partnership.  If you would like to know more about these procedures, please speak to our Head of School. 

Positive approaches to managing behaviour at home

As children develop, it is natural for them to explore the boundaries that are around them.  This happens both in school and at home.  At times, this can lead to moments of challenging behaviour.  The leaflets below are prepared by partner agencies and give useful comments that parents can use to help shape their approach at home. 

Positive Parenting – a guide from the NSPCC
Disciplining Your Children – information from the Greenwich Safeguarding Children Partnership

If any parent would like to discuss approaches that can be used at home to promote positive behaviour please contact the class teacher.

Physical chastisement at home 

We have been asked by the safeguarding partnership to share the letter below about the use of physical chastisement in the home.  The law states that parents must not use physical chastisement that causes a mark, uses an implement or includes a prolonged stress position.

Physical Chastisement Information

Safeguarding Policy

The school safeguarding and relationship policies can be found on our policies page.

Useful Links